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Current Affairs

Western Ghats

The Western Ghats are the mountain groups running parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. The Ghats is well known for its biodiversity, where we can find a variety of flora and fauna. The Western Ghats again find a place in the news after the announcement of the …

Importance of Liberal capitalism in day to day life.

Definition Liberal capitalism is the economy and market with minimum government intervention. Based on the principle of laissez-faire economic theory, it opens up competition between various market forces domestically and globally, moving the economy towards a real market, rather than a government-decided one. Liberal capitalism would mean end of MGNREGA,RSBY …

Difference between Nationalism and Pluralism

Nationalism and Pluralism Nationalism Nationalism is a multidimensional concept oriented towards gaining and maintaining self-governance and full sovereignty over a territory of historical significance to the group (such as its homeland). therefore seeks to preserve the nation’s culture and often involves a sense of pride in the nation’s achievements. Nationalism …